
We start our rafting trips from Międzyrzec Podlaski on the outskirts of the city and end in Nepla or 2 kilometers away at the mouth of the Krzna River to the Bug River. The entire trail is divided into 12 sections of various lengths. The total length of the river in this section is approximately 68 kilometers. The main difficulties on the trail are the weirs/locks, of which there are 5 along the entire section. Due to the fact that they are often closed or only slightly open, the kayaks have to be carried along the shore. Moreover, behind the road bridge in Porosiuk, there is a threshold which can be crossed when the water level is high, but when the water level in the river is low, it may constitute an obstacle that is better to bypass by land. Another difficulty, especially from June to September, is the river bed, which is heavily overgrown with floating plants that hamper the kayak. The river is easy and shallow, only exceeding 1.5 meters in places.


Zimorodek nad rzeką Krzna. Obserwacja podczas spływu



During the trip, depending on the section, you should be prepared to move the kayaks in the places where the locks are located.

On the estuary section from Nowosiółki to Nepla, you should turn off mobile data on your phones or turn on airplane mode, because the phones connect to the Belarusian network (not the cheapest one :-)


Dolina rzeki Krzna. Łąki w środkowym odcinku.

The main difficulties on the trail are the weirs/locks, of which there are 5 along the entire section. Due to the fact that they are often closed or only slightly open, the kayaks have to be carried along the shore.

Another difficulty, especially from June to September, is the river bed, which is heavily overgrown with floating plants that hamper the kayak.

There are also blockages along the rafting route due to branches, reeds, grass and, unfortunately, also garbage, which can usually be passed through. However, it happens that the blockage is tight and wide. Then it is better to carry the kayak along the shore.


Zimowy spływ kajakowy rzeką Krzna Południowa. Odcinek górny.

The main attraction of this river is nature. In the section where we carry out rafting trips, the river flows only through one large city, Biała Podlaska.

The river is shallow and perfect for learning to kayak.

More detailed information about attractions on this river can be found in Art 1. and Art 2. describing individual sections on the home page as well as in a short film from a kayaking trip on this river. Krzna 

However, in the next two articles Art3 and Art4 you will find information about the section located even higher, between Łuków and Międzyrzec Podlaski, where, due to the degree of overgrowth and difficulties related to dumps and garbage plugs, I do not organize rafting trips.

Czapla biała i kaczki krzyżówki. Krzna koło Międzyrzeca Podlaskiego. Spływ zimowy.

You can park:

In Rogoźniczka, near the bridge or in the meadow (52° 0'56.83"N, 22°53'28.58"E)

In Porosiuk, right next to the river (52° 1'11.67"N, 23° 3'31.16"E)

In Czosnówka at the lock (52° 0'54.97"N, 23°14'14.84"E)

In Woskrzenice by the river (52° 2'4.18"N, 23°17'1.38"E)

In Kijowiec near the bridge (52° 3'47.91"N, 23°22'58.68"E)

In Nowosiółki near the bridge (52° 5'25.66"N, 23°26'37.59"E)

In Malowa Góra, by the church (52° 6'12.96"N, 23°28'16.52"E) or by the river (52° 6'18.61"N, 23°28'18.98"E)

In Nepla, near the bridge, or along the road leading to the river near the bridge (52° 7'30.71"N, 23°31'14.50"E)


Ptaki zimujące dolinie rzeki Krzna. Krzyżówki na


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