1. pl
  2. en

www.dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl, kozirad@wp.pl, (+48) 505-666-424

Kayak rental regulations

1. Equipment is rented on a fee-based basis in accordance with the price list on the rental website.

2. The rental shop does not organize canoeing trips, but provides and rents equipment. Rafting trips are organized by the participants on their own and at their own risk. The borrower of dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl can recommend a section of the river, specifying the advancement of the group.

3. When renting a kayak at dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl, it is possible to hire a canoeing instructor or a guide for the entire duration of the trip, but they are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONDUCT AND SAFETY OF THE RIDING PARTICIPANTS. Hiring an instructor or guide according to the website price list.

4. To rent the equipment, you must show an ID with a photo (ID card, passport, driving license). Persons under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants will not be operated. If the borrower of dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl finds the customer unreliable, he may refuse to rent the equipment.

5. Equipment is rented after the Borrower signs a declaration that he has read the regulations of dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl. At the moment of signing the above-mentioned document, the Lender bears full financial responsibility for the rented equipment.

6. The Lessee is obliged to check the condition of the rented equipment in terms of quality and quantity, and to provide any comments to the equipment issuer. The basic equipment of each floating equipment are oars and life jackets, which the borrower must use in accordance with their intended use and is fully responsible for compliance with the safety rules.

7. The equipment returned to the rental shop should be in working order and in accordance with the condition at the time of renting the equipment.

8. Collection and return of the equipment takes place at the place previously agreed by the Lender and the Rental.

9. It is possible to reserve the equipment on the terms agreed with the Rental.

10. For equipment not returned on time, the Rental may charge an additional fee in the amount of 100% of the rental fee for a given period.

11. Minors may swim only under the care of adults, who are fully responsible for them, their behavior and possible damage.

12. When using the kayak, it is forbidden to: stand, sit on the side, stern or bow, jump from the kayak into the water, use the kayak without a safety vest on.

13. dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl do not bear any responsibility for the participants' behavior during the kayaking trip, and in particular for any damage they could do to other people or companies.

14. dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl rental company does not bear any responsibility for accidents, loss of health or death of the participants of the kayaking trips.

15. The rental company is not responsible for any damage that could be caused to cars left on its premises, in particular for theft, damage, devastation, including damage caused by natural forces.

16. Earlier than agreed, the dates, places and times of killing the trips must be approved by the rental company and can only be carried out on its terms.

17. Persons who violate the regulations of the rental shop will be obliged to end the trip with the rented equipment, regardless of the time spent on the water, without the right to refund.

18. The Lessee is obliged to follow the instructions issued by the Rentals and authorized services.

19. For the loss, theft and irreversible damage of the equipment, the borrower returns its equivalent in the amount of 100% of the market price, regardless of the degree of its depreciation. Destruction or damage to the kayak (depending on the degree of damage) from 1000 to 3000 PLN. Damage or loss of a paddle PLN 100. Destruction or loss of a life vest PLN 100.

20. All disputes will be first resolved amicably. In the event of disagreement, disputes will be settled by the court competent for the Circulation Desk.


Due to the state of the COVID-19 epidemic, each participant signs a declaration that he / she has read the procedures at the wild booth rental shop.

1. I have read and accept the safety procedures during the COVID-19 epidemic in force at the dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl Rental, the new hygiene rules and I have no objections to them.

2. I declare that I am aware that after renting the equipment and during the canoeing trip, despite the applied procedures and protective measures, a coronavirus infection may occur. I understand and accept the risk of infection as well as transmission to others, including family members.

3. In the event of becoming infected during the canoeing trip, I will not file any complaints, grievances or claims to the Rental, being fully aware of the epidemiological threat resulting from the current pandemic.

4. Neither I nor my closest household members (people living at the same address) are quarantined, and each member of the household is healthy.

5. I declare that I / my child is healthy. He has no runny nose, cough, fever, shortness of breath, and he has not developed any disturbing symptoms.

6. In the last 24 hours I / my child did not develop: fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, cough, we did not have contact with people who returned from abroad or were quarantined.

7. In the event that my child develops any disturbing disease symptoms, I undertake to collect it immediately.

8. I will immediately notify the Rental of any change to the above statements.

9. I consent to the transfer of personal data to the local Sanitary and Epidemiological Station unit in the event of COVID-19 infection.

10. I certify that my child is not allergic to any disinfectants.

11. I declare that I have familiarized my child with the procedures in the Rental

12. In the case of organized groups, the above statement is signed by the group manager on behalf of the entire team, committing himself to familiarize participants with the rules and regulations in force at the dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl rental