
A small river flowing from the heart of the Białowieża Forest. The entire navigable section from Narewka to the town of Gramotne, where it flows into the Narew, is approximately 17 kilometers long. The Narewka rafting trip can be divided into shorter fragments, ending, for example, in Lewków Stary. Leaving Narewka, we pass two railway bridges and one road bridge. The river is narrow and heavily overgrown from June to September. It is a shallow river and easy to navigate. Along the meanders, we pass numerous beaches where you can rest or set up camp.


Własnej konstrukcji mosty na rzece Narewka. Przejście piesze. Spływy kajakowe.

Kayaking trips can be carried out outside the section flowing through the Białowieża National Park, i.e. from the vicinity of Gruszki. Please remember that it is possible to get coverage of the Belarusian network, so it is worth turning off data transmission.


Nieliczne piaszczyste plaże na rzece Narewka. Spływ kajakowy.

The main difficulties are floating vegetation overgrowing the riverbed and protruding limbs and branches.


Ujściowy odcinek Narewki do Narwi porośnięty wysokimi trzcinami. Spływy kajakowe.

Numerous beaches where you can take a break. Picturesque meanders. More information at the link:

Narewka i Narew, spływ kajakowy 2019. Opis szlaku z Narewki do Narwi.


Czapla siwa w dolinie rzeki Narewka. Spływy

You can park in the town of Narewka, as well as at other launching points indicated on the map.


Koryto rzeki Narewka zarastające strzałką wodną. Spływy kajakowe.


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