One of the shortest and smallest rivers we recommend for rafting. However, it is very picturesque and technically well prepared. The Włodawka rafting trip can be divided into 3 sections with a total length of 23 kilometers. Perfect for weekend rafting. At the Adamki point, inside the forest, there is a self-service campsite with a pier, a shelter, benches, a campsite and a place for a bonfire. It is a shallow river and easy to navigate.


Rzeka Włodawka w środkowym biegu.

We end the trip in Włodawa, about 300 m after reaching the Bug River (51°33'5.26"N, 23°33'58.63"E), on the left side. This is the border section with Ukraine, so it is strictly forbidden to dock on the opposite shore. We advise you to turn off mobile data and automatic network selection because on this section you will certainly be greeted by operators from Ukraine.


Ryby w rzece Włodawka. Spływ kajakowy.


The main difficulties are the river bed in the first section, which becomes overgrown in early summer, and the protruding branches and limbs.


Zarastające koryto rzeki Włodawka. Spływy kajakowe.

A great place for a two-day trip. The river meanders both through open meadows and forests. In Włodawa it flows into the Bug River.


Stanica nad rzeką Włodawka z miejscem na ognisko i rozbicie namiotu. Spływ

You can park at the starting point near the bridge in Kołacze (51°27'47.23"N, 23°20'38.82"E).

At the observation tower in Suchawa (51°29'56.70"N, 23°25'47.19"E)

At the self-service campsite in Adamki (51°30'36.42"N, 23°29'13.36"E)


Wieża widokowa nad brzegiem rzeki Włodawka. Spływy kajakowe.

  1. pl
  2. en,, (+48) 505-666-424
