
Rafting on the Vistula takes place on the section from Dęblin to Nabrzeże near Otwock. The entire route is divided into 7 sections with a total length of 84 kilometers.

Bocian czarny w korycie rzeki Wisła.dikierzeki-kajaki.pl


This is the largest river on which we organize our kayaking trips. Recommended for people who have already experienced kayaking. Depending on the season, the water level in the Vistula changes significantly. This situation may also be influenced by heavy rainfall, especially in mountainous areas. The Vistula is a river that begins in the mountains where sudden rainfall causes a rapid increase in water, creating a flood wave. Such situations often occur during the holiday season. Swimming in such conditions may be dangerous, so it is worth checking weather forecasts and the water level in the Vistula River provided in the daily announcements of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. 

Konie pasące się na piaszczystych łachach w korycie rzeki Wisła. dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl

The main difficulties are shallow waters from which you will have to drag the kayak to a deeper section. You can see floating trees that have fallen into the river. Another obstacle is the heads regulating the river, the degree of exposure of which depends on the water level in the river. At ferry crossing points, watch out for the towing rope that rises above the water surface while the crossing is underway. A threshold was built on the river near the town of Kozienice, it is safe to bypass this place by the bank.


Piaszczysta łacha uformowana przez wiejące w korycie Wisły wiatry przemieszczające ziare

Unlike other rivers proposed for rafting, the Vistula has a completely different character. It is a wide river with a natural character. In places it is partially regulated by the so-called heads (embankments of fascine and stones perpendicular to the river flow, carried out into the river flow). It is extremely picturesque thanks to its numerous meanders and large sandbanks and beaches. During the trip, there will be plenty of places to take a break or camp. The Vistula Valley is very attractive in terms of its flora and fauna. This is undoubtedly one of the most interesting natural areas in Poland. I recommend a kayaking trip on this river to all people fascinated by the natural world. During rafting trips, remember, however, that numerous islands and beaches are inhabited by birds that build their nests on bare ground. When stopping in such places, pay attention to anxious individuals. Eggs left exposed to sunlight for too long may overheat. A similar thing happens to the chicks, which remain motionless when they hear their parents alarming and die of thirst.

Pisklęta sieweczki rzecznej ukryte w zasychającym mule na piaszczystej plaży w korycie Wisły. dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl


You can park in most places indicated on the map, close to the river.

Piaszczyste wyspy wyłaniające się z mgły w korycie Wisły. dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl
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www.dzikierzeki-kajaki.pl, kozirad@wp.pl, (+48) 505-666-424